This is my recipe book (really a three ring binder). I decided to give this as a gift to myself while I was putting together two of them for my children for Christmas. Of course their cover was alot fancier and more personalized. They are always asking for certain recipes of mine. This is a great way to keep them at hand when you are looking for dinner ideas, party ideas or just to pass along. I just love mine and they did too!
I slipped each recipe the way I had them, in a plastic sleeve. That way when you are cooking, you can slip them out of the three ring binder and it doesn't matter what you spill on them. I tried to keep each recipe in their original form. As you can see some of mine are fancier than others. I thought about typing each one up, but as you know, it's much easier to find a recipe when you know just how you got it. Whether it be an email, out of a magazine or as mine shown above, a well worn, well used hand written recipe from my mom.
Often times I pull mine out and stack the recipes in a stack for the week, then refile them back according to the categories I have them seperated into.
It's a fairly easy, in-expensive project, just a bit time consuming. It is priceless to my children. I figured with as many kiddos as I have, I better start on a few more.