Take a look at these bejeweled frames I have been putting together. I found a use for all my ribbons and old jewelry. The pictures are terrible I know. I have put them in bigger gifts and used them for smaller gifts when I need them. I have really been trying to put my camera to better use this summer and I found a great way to accessorize my pictures!
This is a graduation present for my beautiful great niece Kassie. I colorized the picture and put it in a container of goodies
I got together for her dorm room. She is off to Texas A & M this semester.

In this frame are two of our closet family friends, mother and son,
Mary and Andy. This is a birthday gift for Larry, the dad. A little
fluffy with the bow, but I don't think he...or Mary will mind!
My son Jacob and his beautiful girlfriend CandiceBoth are going back to college this week :( Candice goes to Texas
A &M and Jake goes to Texas Lutheran University
--where, I am proud to brag, he made the Dean's List his first year!
This frame is going to Candice's mom